Nutrition Services

The cornerstone of good health is optimal nutrition.

The cornerstone of good health is optimal nutrition. In order to feel healthy and be healthy, it is essential that we provide ourselves with all the nutrients that our bodies need for performing functions such as energy production, metabolism, and detoxification. Working with an experienced, highly trained nutritionist who can help to design a nutrition program that works for you and your life is a powerful way to dramatically change your health trajectory. 

Guiding clients toward optimal nutrition is a crucial part of the “Inside-Out, Outside-In” approach at KLMD Wellness. There is a definite relationship between inner health, which includes all the biological processes occurring in your body, and outer health, which is what other people see and what you see when you look in the mirror. We believe that many health issues associated with outward appearance are related to inner issues and vice versa. We all know that if we feed ourselves junk “food” instead of healthy foods, this can lead to weight gain and not looking or feeling our best.  But did you know that if you aren’t eating enough omega 3 fatty acids from foods like salmon, this could lead to dry skin? Or that if you are taking acid reducing medications like Prilosec®, you might not absorb certain nutrients, and this could lead to skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis?  Simply treating your skin from the “outside-in” using a skin care product probably won’t help those conditions adequately. There must be a focus on “inside-out” health in order to look and feel your best.  Making sure that you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally will ensure that you feel healthy, look healthy and are healthy.

At KLMD Wellness we know that without good nutrition, good health is impossible to achieve.  Because of this, nutrition is given top priority when working with clients.  A consultation with Dr. Litwin always includes an assessment your nutritional needs.

Personalized Nutrition Services Through the Sandy Hook Clinic

At KLMD Wellness, we offer a variety of personalized nutrition protocols through our affiliated Functional Medicine Clinic. These include:

  • Mediterranean Diet
  • Elimination / Immune Reset Plan- baseline reduction in food related inflammation and to identify problematic foods
  • Ketogenic Plan- weight loss, decreased inflammation, neurodegenerative conditions, diabetes, cancer, others
  • Low Histamine- chronic hives, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  • Low FODMAP plan- treatment of IBS and SIBO
  • Wahls Protocol- neurodegenerative conditions and general health
  • Paleo Plan- many conditions and general health
  • Autoimmune Protocol Plan- autoimmune conditions such as lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Methylation Diet and Lifestyle (MDL) Program

Determining which nutrition protocol is best for a specific client is based on history, symptoms, conditions, Advanced Laboratory Testing, and lifestyle factors and patient preference. Only after gaining an understanding of your body’s needs and your goals do we create a comprehensive nutrition protocol for you.

Professional Nutritionists

KLMD Wellness and the affiliated Sandy Hook Clinic feature a staff of highly educated, skilled, and experienced nutrition clinicians. Our team uses cutting-edge nutritional protocols to achieve clinical success. We almost never focus on calorie counting, because that doesn’t work for many people in the long run.  We prefer to focus on “food as information.” In other words, what you eat provides your body with data that informs it how to function.  If you eat lots of processed foods, your system will likely go into survival mode due to inflammation and toxicity.  On the other hand, if you eat lots of healthy nutrients, your system will function more efficiently.  A crucial part of our nutrition protocols is providing you with the knowledge and the support you need to be able to enact the protocols effectively.  Through working with us, you will be able to be able to shop, prepare and eat healthy for the rest of your life.  

Reaching Your Nutrition Goals

Achieving the body and the state of health that you desire can be hard work.  It’s crucial to have a positive attitude and to have a well-designed plan that works for you and your life. Our nutritionists are highly skilled at helping to motivate you and at creating personalized nutrition plans. Let us help you achieve your health goals with our nutrition services at KLMD Wellness today.

Nutrition Services in Sandy Hook, Connecticut

At KLMD Wellness, we do wellness right. We understand that everyone has different situations and goals.  We look forward to working with you to meet your individual needs. Request a consultation appointment for nutrition services with Dr. Kenneth Litwin today by calling (203) 493-0971 or sharing your information via the form below. We are eagerly awaiting your visit.

Request an Appointment

Call (203) 493-0971 or fill out the form below to request a consultation.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(541) 342-4243