Advanced Testing

Every consultation with Dr. Litwin is followed by a comprehensive set of tests to determine your particular wellness needs.

At KLMD Wellness, patients have access to cutting-edge advanced laboratory testing to guide optimal treatment. We focus on your genetics, digestive health, metabolism, and more. Using data from advanced testing enables us to achieve success as we embark on your journey to optimal health.

Why Do Advanced Testing

Most of the time, when you visit a doctor for a checkup or for evaluation of a symptom, only the most basic testing is done to rule out certain problems.  Unless you are already far along with a particular condition, the doctor will probably tell you “everything looks good, come back in a year.” At KLMD Wellness we know that it is crucial to take a more in-depth, preventive approach to your health, so that we can help you to not only detect current issues that need more urgent attention, but also to take action on items that over time, if not addressed, will lead to future health problems. 

Advanced Assessments

  • Food Sensitivity: Using a small blood sample, we will test your IgG reactivity to a wide variety of foods, which can help determine if certain foods are potentially responsible for causing immune system over-activation with resultant symptoms including resistant weight loss, migraines, skin conditions, and joint aches.  Assessing your immune reactivity to foods allows us to create a personalized elimination diet to address any symptoms that may be related to improper nutrition.
  • Advanced Cardiac Risk Assessment Biomarkers: This testing allows us to identify the important risk factors such as lipid particle sizes and markers of arterial inflammation and plaque which can contribute to the risk of future heart attacks and strokes. Knowing where you stand on these risk factors allows us to create a personalized prevention wellness plan to address these potential issues.
  • Metabolism, Insulin Resistance and Other related Assessments: These tests will help to determine your insulin sensitivity, which relates to inflammation, weight gain, and risk of diabetes and other serious conditions, including cognitive decline. Once we have a baseline for these tests, we can initiate a treatment plan and be able to evaluate the success of the plan by periodically monitoring these values.
  • Comprehensive, Advanced Nutritional Testing: These tests (blood, urine) measure nutritional factors in a comprehensive way, assessing amino acid, vitamin, mineral, and essential fatty acid levels. Knowing these values allows us to determine if you may need to increase certain foods in your diet or use nutritional supplements to help build up your nutrients temporarily.  Certain patterns may suggest underlying conditions such as problems absorbing nutrients due to gastrointestinal issues. 
  • Advanced Digestive and Microbiome Testing: The microorganisms in your gut affect every system in your body. Certain patterns in the microbiome are associated with weight gain. Our digestive and microbiome tests (stool, breath, urine, and blood) identify the quantity and types of bacteria, yeast, and parasites currently inhabiting your digestive system. These tests also tell us much about the presence of inflammation in the intestines and can detect problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Genetic Factors: Genetic tests help us determine your predisposition to specific illnesses. Running these tests helps us adjust your treatment based on your individual genetic makeup, leading to better outcomes.
  • Toxins: Our toxin panels (blood, urine) assess your exposure to certain airborne and food-borne agents such as pesticides and petrochemicals in the environment that may be contributing negatively to your health, often affecting hormone balance and preventing weight loss.  These toxins also may increase the risk of diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and cancer.
  • Heavy Metals: We can assess (blood, urine, hair) your current exposure and total body burden of heavy metals such as lead and mercury. These heavy metals can seriously interfere with your ability to make energy and perform detoxification functions, leading to fatigue and weight gain.  They are also associated with conditions such as autoimmune thyroid disease, as well as diabetes and fatty liver disease. Once these results are known, a plan is created to help limit future exposures and to safely and gently remove these harmful metals from your body.
  • Chronic Infections: These tests (blood, stool) can identify hidden infections that may be affecting your health, such as Epstein-Barr virus, tick borne diseases, and overgrowth of yeast (Candida), as well as parasites.  Identifying these factors can often explain many chronic symptoms. Addressing these underlying infections may be the key to improving your overall health.
  • Hormone Balancing and Replacement Therapy: We assess (blood, urine, saliva) for hormone insufficiencies, imbalances, and problems with hormone metabolism which can explain many problematic symptoms with mood, sleep, sexual function, and cognitive health. Once we determine your specific needs, we can use lifestyle medicine and nutrition together with herbal and nutritional supplements and prescription bio-identical hormones to restore or balance hormone levels for optimal wellness and risk reduction of illnesses such as cancer, osteoporosis, and dementia.
  • Cognitive Health: Cognitive function is assessed using a cutting-edge computer-based test which evaluates memory, executive function, cognitive flexibility and reaction time. This test can be done for anyone, but is especially helpful in cases of ADHD, history of concussion/TBI, and for people desiring to prevent or reverse cognitive decline, or who already have problems with memory.  For appropriate clients, we will use the full Bredesen Protocol and other testing as part of our Functional Memory Rx program.

Lifestyle Medicine and Advanced Testing in Sandy Hook

Wellness from within is wellness done right. At KLMD Wellness, we have a holistic approach to health. Request a consultation appointment to meet with Dr. Kenneth Litwin today by calling (203) 493-0971 or sharing your information via the form below. We are eagerly awaiting your visit.

Request an Appointment

Call (203) 493-0971 or fill out the form below to request a consultation.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(541) 342-4243